Welcome Turtle Families!

Welcome to our daily blog! We use it to share daily updates on our classroom, reflections on our learning with children, and photographs.We are so excited that so many people are sharing in the Turtle Day! Extended family, friends, neighbors, educators, etc, are also encouraged to follow the blog!
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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Seussical the Musical!

Today, the Turtles had the chance to watch the Middle School's musical rehearsal in the Mueller Auditorium!  We even ran into the Little Frogs and soon discovered that they were on their way to watch the rehearsal too. The Turtles had so much fun watching all the big kids sing and dance, and most of all was very excited about seeing Dr. Seuss! Seeing this musical was extra special for the Turtles because we had seen what the set looked like before the construction began and even during the construction. It was great to see all the houses finally put together and painted! All the families are invited to attend the performances on March 8th and 9th! Check the AFS website for more info!

The Turtles also had a wonderful time with Jenny because she brought a new friend with her! The pirate was quite funny and even sang a pirate song with us called "Pirate's Life." Jenny then read us a silly book called Dirty Joe the Pirate. 

We also got to make different beats with our shaker eggs.

The Turtles then had the heart to share the cake they made yesterday with EVERYONE in the school.  In order to make sure we cut the right amount of pieces, Tamara and the Turtles visited each classroom, with a clip-board in hand, to count and record how many kids and teachers there were.  After finding out how many people were in each room, we then had to add all the people in each classroom together! After punching in our numbers into our calculator, we got 69 people!  We were worried that we weren't going to have enough, but luckily the Turtles made it work with Tamara's precise cutting and the Turtles' excellent counting!  The Turtles were so happy that they were able to make others happy by giving them delicious cake.

We even wrote a letter from the Little Frogs because they were not in their classroom at the time.

Other things the Turtles did throughout the morning included:

experimenting with oil and rubbing alcohol,

creating high towers

and patterned towers,

and testing out our jumping skills!

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