Today was our first rehearsal! We set up the classroom in roughly the right layout for our play, with Fran, the Queen of the Mermaid Tower and Caimin the King of Everything on the Golden Narrator Seat. All the children took their places, and Fran and Caimin began to narrate! The children were so excited to act out their roles! There is still a lot of work to do before we are ready, but it was great to see the children's ideas in action!
We had many other adventures today including trying to uncover the words on the rusted sign we found in the creek! Fran researched removing rust on the internet and learned that baking soda, which we have been using for our volcanoes, is also useful in removing rust! So they mixed up a paste, and used sponges to scrub the sign. Soon we were able to see many of the letters, and could make out the words, "no" and "parking." That didn't make any sense though, because who would park in the creek?
We left it sitting covered in baking soda to see if we could get more rust off or it. We'll check on it tomorrow!
Other adventures: