What is the problem?
How can we solve this problem?
How did that make you feel?
Did you tell your friend?
How did that make your friend feel?
What's your idea?
What's you friend's idea?
With a little bit of support, a couple different dyads worked happily and constructively for almost half an hour! They built castles, garages, and a highway.
We also had an impromptu creek adventure. A couple of children noticed that there was a hula hoop and a ball stuck in the creek.
Tamara sent them out to rescue them.
We soon discovered that the hula hoop was stuck!
They could not get it unstuck, until finally they called Fran who they declared was "super strong!"
Sure enough, Fran was able to free the hoop by dislodging the metal sign and everyone cheered!
Other activities:
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