WARNING: Images of children and teddy bears are extremely cute! View with caution....
We also had some special guests come today. Five children who are now in the Pre-K came back to talk to us about the Peace Table. They told us about how they used the Peace Table last year when they had problems and when they needed to use their words. They even acted out some scenarios for us so we could see how it worked. The Turtles were excited about this idea, and got to work on a Peace Stick right away. The Peace Stick will help us take turns when we are talking to solve the problem. We even added glitter to it so it would be "magic."
Finally, we wrote a letter to Dave, asking if he could help us get the meanness out to the classroom. His friend has a bulldozer, and the children want to use a bulldozer to take the meanness to the dumpster (Tamara wasn't sure we could actually build a rocket ship, so that idea is on hold at the moment.) We even put on our boots to deliver the mail to Dave's house!
Other happenings: