Welcome Turtle Families!

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Taxonomy of Meanness

Today we visited the 6th graders in Kristin's Advisory. We brought along puppets so that we could act out one of the meanness problems in our classroom. Here was the story:
The elephant and the monkey were playing together happily, when the elephant decided that it didn't want to play with the monkey. The elephant said, "I don't want to play with you," and the monkey said, "You're not my best friend anymore!" And then they both felt sad.
The 6th graders could identify with this problem, and said that the meanness that they see in the sixth grade, was similar, except that it happened behind people's backs. It sounded very much like the sneaky meanness that the 8th graders were talking about. Wills and Jacob shared their idea about putting the meanness on a rocket ship, and the sixth graders really liked the idea. They said that they would like to help us with this if we do it. We are starting to figure out the the meanness usually happens after a problem in play, and more and more children are getting a teacher to help with the problem.

We also:
made valentine rubbings

explored flexiblocks

visited the Lower School playground 

found we could do things we couldn't when we were younger

ran around the soccer field

listened to the book Bi Beem Bop, and decided that we should make it one day!

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