Yesterday, we talked at Morning Meeting about the stories we play. Today, we asked the children, "What could we build to help us play stories?" Several children had ideas about different kinds of houses: a brick house, a cat house, a dog house. They also had ideas about wolves and pigs for the story to play. Then Tamara sketched their ideas as they talked. The result was a traditional square house with a triangle roof, three windows, and a door. They suggested adding grass and a swing, and declared it finished. At Choice Time, one choice was to sketch their own ideas about what kind of house to build. One child filled a paper with loose scribbles, declaring it "the grass!" Fran joked that she would need a lawn mower for that grass, and soon, all the children were adding lawn mowers to their drawings. We have posted a few of the drawings on the back wall so that we can reference them as we are starting to build.
At Choice Time, children also:
listened to stories, |
worked on collage sculptures, |
made magna-tile rocket ships, |
and long long roads. |
In between play time and clean up time, the Turtles often take a break to do some physical activity. This gives them a clear stop to play and energizes them for the hard task of cleaning-up. One of our favorite activities is "Bear-Walking," with hands and feet on the floor and bottom in the air. The Little Frogs had never done this before, so we taught them how!
Outside, we worked on the balance beam, rode in wagons, and played with straw.
Outside, we worked on the balance beam, rode in wagons, and played with straw.
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