Welcome Turtle Families!

Welcome to our daily blog! We use it to share daily updates on our classroom, reflections on our learning with children, and photographs.We are so excited that so many people are sharing in the Turtle Day! Extended family, friends, neighbors, educators, etc, are also encouraged to follow the blog!
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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Marching for Peace!

Today was the big Peace Parade! We made new peace flags and set out to the big school to deliver the Peace Sticks that we had made for the classes who had helped us with our meanness research. We sang peace songs as we marched, and our flags waved cheerily in the breeze. In each room, the children took turns delivering the peace sticks and telling the children about our research. We also sangTeaching Peace to everyone we encountered. By the smiles on their faces, we could tell that we were indeed spreading peace!

pretzel snack in the hall

We are continuing to learn some new songs at Morning Meeting, and today acted out the slow sprouting of a seed!

Here are the words to the song:
Plant Our Seeds
Make yourself into a tiny little seed under the dirt.
This is the way we plant our seeds,
Plant our seeds,
Plant our seeds.
This is the way we plant our seeds,
When springtime is here.

What happens when it comes alive?
This is the way we sprout our roots,
Sprout our roots,
Sprout our roots.
This is the way we sprout our roots,
When springtime is here.

This is the way we pop through the dirt,
Pop through the dirt,
Pop through the dirt.
This is the way we pop through the dirt,
When springtime is here.

This is the way we stretch and grow,
Stretch and grow,
Stretch and grow.
This is the way we stretch and grow,
When springtime is here.

This is the way we shoot up tall,
Shoot up tall,
Shoot up tall.
This is the way we shoot up tall,
When springtime is here.

This is the way we open our bud,
Open our buds,
Open our buds.
This is the way we open our buds,
When springtime is here.

This is the way we bend in the breeze,
Bend in the breeze,
Bend in the breeze.
This is the way we bend in the breeze,
When springtime is here.

This is the way we smile at the sun,
Smile at the sun,
Smile at the sun.
This is the way we smile at the sun,
When springtime is here.

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