And so, stepping off my soap box, I will share with you how the morning unfolded. Most mornings one or two children will query Tamara, "What should we put on the tables?" Tossing the question back to them, they will often have a suggestion, and today the suggestion was for "something gooey, something different." And so we pulled flour, water, and cornstarch out of the kitchen and got to work making a gooey mess.
A little bit later, a few children decided to be super heros, which soon morphed into princes and princesses, who donned royal capes. Some children chose to be royal pets like puppies and birds. In this play, some more experienced players set the scene, literally laying out large pieces of fabric on the ground for the princes and princesses. Some of the less experienced players filled in around the edges, barking or chirping their parts.
The children were so engaged in their work and play that Tamara and Fran made the executive decision not to interrupt them for Morning Meeting. Instead we set out snack and let the players continue their work.
The results were amazing! The Turtles remained deeply engaged, returning to work in different areas multiple times, each time using their social negotiation skills, their experimentation skills, their language skills, and their fine motor skills.
Here are some images from their work:
And in Dramatic Play:
Other Activities:
Cupcakes from Paddy!
Animal Boogie
Freeze Dance
tee ball
Duck Duck Goose
Hide and Seek
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