Welcome Turtle Families!

Welcome to our daily blog! We use it to share daily updates on our classroom, reflections on our learning with children, and photographs.We are so excited that so many people are sharing in the Turtle Day! Extended family, friends, neighbors, educators, etc, are also encouraged to follow the blog!
One of the wonderful aspects of blogging is that it allows real-time interaction between home and school. Is your child talking about what we are doing in school? Leave us a comment and let us know! Are you interested (or even an expert!) in something we are studying? Leave us a comment and let us know! Are you planning an outing with your child to extend the classroom learning? Leave us a comment and invite other families along!
We also have a section call, "Learn More About..." When we write each post, we tag it with relevant topics. And so if you wanted to see what we have been doing with, for instance, science, you would click on that tag, and see all the posts about science.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tamara in the City: Greening Urban Schoolyards Design Charrette

I was so lucky to be a part of an amazing Collaborative Design Charrette and Public Presentation today in Center City. I am so excited about this initiative which brought together experts like landscape achitects (including my talented friends at Viridian Landscape Studio) with community members, educators, parents, students, and school district officials. Our mission was to generate ideas and ultimately master plan sketches for the greening of two Philadelphia schoolyards: John B. Kelly School (a K-6 school just down the street from my Germantown house) and Lea School in West Philadelphia. I was able to draw on the research and conversations we have had here at AFS as we have planned the new outdoor initiative AFS Outdoors, especially around the ways that connections to nature foster deeper learning for people of all ages. The process and results were simply amazing, and it was so inspiring to be a part of this important work! 

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