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Friday, December 9, 2011

Neighborhood Drawings and Holiday Crafts

We started the day looking at photographs from our drawing adventure yesterday. Some Turtles chose to work on some more images, today with the colored pencils. At Morning Meeting, the teacher asked:

What did we see in the neighborhood?
Ella: We saw some houses. Some houses were different than other houses.
Madison: We saw a big tree with houses.
Jacob: Yeah, I saw that too.
Wills: I saw a ribbon atttached to the house. It had a chimney and brick.
Madigan: I was up on the hill. On the back of the house, there was a ribbon.
David: I saw a house that had a tirangle. On the house that had a ribbon, I saw a garage.
Gabby: David and me wrote a pitcure. We saw a red car going by.
Jacob: I saw a great big tree with leaves. There was a hole on it.
Patrick: I saw a big house. It looked like red and dark white and red.
It was fascinating to hear their descriptions of what they remembered and to correlate them to the drawing that they had done, where each person represented their thoughts and point of view.

Wills's grandparents brought in holiday craft projects to do with the Turtles. There were sticker cars and magic rainbow scratching sticks.

Other happenings of the day:

The Little Frogs brought bells out onto the playground, which of course led to rousing reditions of "Jingle Bells."

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