Welcome Turtle Families!

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Root, root, root for the home team!

Play time today was very dramatic! Matt explained, "We're playing football with the dragon!" A lively game of football-baseball had developed. Madison and Gabby were watching their "brothers" from the sideline as Jacob, Matthew, Ella, and Wills played ball, using different stuffed animals for the ball.
Wills said, "The black team is supposed to lose and the read team is supposed to win. Its 4 to 6."
Madison cheered, "Get the ball! Yay!"
Matthew yelled, "Hey, tag off me!"
Wills said, "We're running the bases fast!"
Matthew said, "I got a stick."
Gabby held a new book on her lap, "I'm looking at my high school book!
Ella came over to the sidelines, saying, "It almost time to get our dance party on!"
"Yay!" said Gabby and Madison. Ella ran back onto the field. Gabby said, "I have to get my hair ready for the party because I fell asleep in the car."
"Go brother go!" Madison cheered from the sideline. "Mom, our brother is winning!"
Matthew threw the ball to Jacob, "Go for it Jacob!" Jacob laughed and ran to get the ball.
Ella gave the helmet to WIlls, explaining, "Wills, you get the golden helmet for trophies, OK?"
Madison and Gabby jumped up, "Yay! They won!!" They hugged each other, cheering.
"Let's go to the party now!"
"But the game isn't over."
"Yay, its time to go to the party!"
"Okay, let's go eat!"
They headed, en masse, over to the dress-up area where they joined Caimin and Patrick. "I'm hungry! Let's eat!"
This cooperative dramatic play was wonderful to see! It was interesting to notice of different children wove themselves into the play in different ways, and what astute observers of human nature they are!

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