Welcome Turtle Families!

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Show and Much More!

Our morning started off with a variety of things!  We played a new game that helped us learn our shapes.  When it was someone's turn, the lever was pulled and a shape would roll out for a child to take and place on their game board. Some shapes included, stars, octagons, ovals, and squares!  Not only were we learning our shapes, we were also practicing how to take turns!

Our fun did not stop there.  We built beautiful structures

and rocket ships that held cars inside with our magnatiles.

We told stories to one another with "Scary Sid",

sang and danced to our favorite songs,

built a tower with blocks that was as tall as us, 

and painted with 3 different colors of blue, green, and white.

During choice time, we decided to finger paint with yellow, red, and white.  It was fun creating different patterns and making different letters with our fingers!  Madigan even made an "M" for her name and Gabby made an "M" for mommy!

In the block area, Jacob did not waste any time!  As he meticulously piled the blocks on top of one another, he created this!

We then met with Jenny and sang our opening songs: "Hello Neighbor" and "Name, Name What's Your Name"

Our next song, "Animal ABC", had all of us using our bodies to act like different animals.  We roared like bears, waddled like penguins, and slithered like snakes!

Jenny finally brought out a special surprise at the very end.  It was one of our favorite books called "The Little Old Lady Who was Not Afraid of Anything".  We were so excited to see that Jenny had the same book we've been reading in our classroom!  She even taught us a special way to read the book with a lovely tune.

After music, we visited the logs once again to see if they had changed.

We then did a little climbing in our bear tree when Carol from the little frogs class invited the turtles to come watch a slide show!  The turtles were very excited about the show and rushed on back inside.

The show consisted of the little frogs and their on-going project on sticks.

They watched intently as they saw all the different kinds of sticks and how they can be used in a variety of ways!

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