Welcome Turtle Families!

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Monday, October 3, 2011

October is here!

 The children were abuzz with beading this morning! Some children knew right away how to do it, while others watched their friends, and experimented with how to hold the needle. Beading is very tricky work for little hands as the children coordinate the left and right hands, manipulate tiny objects, and use hand-eye coordination!

We built houses for the animals by carefully stacking up each block on top of one another.

In the block area, lots of experimentation with incline planes was happening as the children explored the draw bridge and the long boards. We tested out to see how fast the cars went down the long board, and even tried to knock over the wooden "pins" with our fast moving cars.  We soon realized that the cars moved down the long board much faster every time we moved it to a higher location!

In the art area, children used the liquid water colors, and brought in a new tool of their own devising. They discovered that they could scratch patterns onto the paper with a pencil, and that even it the pencil didn't lead a mark, you could still see the line you had drawn in the water-softened paper.

Missy had lots of fun things for us to do, including freeze dances, silly noodle games, and obstacle courses with her pop up tent, bus, tunnel, and fire truck. 

A rousing game of October baseball broke out on the playground, and although the rules seem pretty distant from our beloved Phillies, all the enthusiasm was there!

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