Welcome Turtle Families!

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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tommy and the Leprechauns

The Turtles began their morning cozying up in front of a fire roasting marshmallows.  We pitched our tents and even turned on some Indigo Girls for camping music.

While some of us were camping, others were making intricate routes for the marbles to travel through.

Some things we did during Choice Time included reading a few books that Ella brought in to share in the book corner and working with more patterns. We also experimented with more clay, but this time the clay was much harder which made the Turtles have to work harder too!

Then we were off to look for the pot of gold the leprechauns had hidden in Jenny's class.  First, Jenny told us a story about St. Patrick's Day and how a boy named Tommy went searching for the pot of gold that the leprechauns had hidden under a tree.  Every time Tommy found the leprechauns in the clearing making their shoes, they ran away from him before he got the chance to ask them where they had hidden the gold.  After finally catching the leprechauns, the leprechauns told Tommy that the gold was under the tree that had a scarf on it, but when Tommy looked for the tree with the scarf, they realized all the trees had scarves.  Tommy was tricked!  The Turtles listened intently to the story and even got the chance to act out the story!

Tommy 1, Tommy 2


Catching the leprechaun 

The pot of gold!

Naturally, the Turtles then wanted to dance, so using the scarves we had a dance party!

Then it was back to the playground!

Riding backwards to the moon.

Reading off a recipe to make some food.

Going to the clouds and moon.  Tomorrow's trip will be to outer space!

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