Welcome Turtle Families!

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Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Trip to Jamaica

Our morning began with a few doctors and nurses scanning the belly of a patient to see if everything was okay.  They made sure he was well taken care of!

Then the Turtles decided to have Inside-Outside Day to take advantage of the beautiful weather! Some of the choices inside included clay and drawing self-portraits.

Those who were outside decided to push teachers on the swing and learn and teach Zumba dancing!

Then we packed our suitcases with sunblock, beach balls, bathing suits, a basket full of food, and sunglasses to go to Jamaica with Jenny, who was even wearing a Jamaican dress. We got on our planes and we were on our way!

Then of course, we had to go swimming in the ocean with the fishes!

Then we went to a limbo party, where all the Turtles moved and bent their bodies in many different ways to prevent themselves from touching the pole!

Jenny then brought out a book titled Island in the Sun by Harry Belafonte and Lord Burgess.  She read the book with a lovely tune and showed us different pictures in the book of Jamaica! 

After music, the Turtles went for a nice walk outside when some of our friends decided to help Dave by cleaning up the sticks for him outside.  Many of the Turtles worked very hard to help Dave and are very excited to see how Dave will react!

To end our morning, the Turtles enjoyed a picnic lunch in the meditation garden!  This was a great spot that was sunny and not too windy.

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