Welcome Turtle Families!

Welcome to our daily blog! We use it to share daily updates on our classroom, reflections on our learning with children, and photographs.We are so excited that so many people are sharing in the Turtle Day! Extended family, friends, neighbors, educators, etc, are also encouraged to follow the blog!
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Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Turtles and the Beanstalk, Draft #4

I realized that I had not yet shared our story! Here is the current draft, although the Turtles are avid editors, engaging in 20 minutes or more of Morning Meeting consensus story telling, so I expect the story will continue to evolve!

preliminary sketch of Wills' Cat Lion
Once upon a time, there was a village right on the playground of Abington Friends School. And in the village there was only room for three princess wizards: Ella, and Madigan, and Gabby. There was MEANNESS in the village. Madison couldn’t come in!
Then the princess wizards all had an idea. They decided to make a beanstalk because they wanted to see a giant because giants like to be mean. They would send the meanness to the giants.
They put a bean in the ground. It grew. They needed to take care of it. They watered it again and again and again. Then it became ginourmous.
The princess wizards climbed up the beanstalk. They ended up at a cloud that castle in it, but there was already people in it! There was a ninja and a Super Paddy, and in the cave below the castle, there was a cat lion, the King of the Cat Lion and the Queen of the Cat Lions.
The princess wizards walked in there. The princess wizards rang the doorbell, and then they opened the door, and the other people who were already in the castle said, “Who are you?”
“We are princess wizards,” they said. “Who are you?”
They introduced themselves. The ninja Matt and Super Pat said, “Do you want to come in?”
The princesses said, “Yes,” and they came in.
“Do you want look around?” asked Super Pat.
The princesses said, “Yes.” They saw all of the stuff, and the swords, and the ninja masks, ninja lasers and ninja traps, and water guns, and some cool glasses.
They did not see the giants.
Just then the cat lions started to peek their heads out of the cave. They made a mean face, and the princess wizards knew they had to get to the giant.
They got a big giant ladder and climbed all the way up to the real clouds to escape the cat lions. They got to the real cloud.
They all gathered up, and they had a party. They were having a party in the giant’s castle. Then they heard a loud noise, pow! bam!
The giant came out of the giant’s bedroom, and he saw the party, and he was angry because he didn’t want a party. He was so angry that he yelled, “Fee Fi Fo Fum!” and he punched his fist, and he scared them out the castle, and they ran back to the first castle.
to be continued...

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