Welcome Turtle Families!

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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Flip Flop Day, Cupcakes, and Houses!

The Turtles began their morning having a very important meeting about a new day called Flip Flop Day.  In place of Inside-Outside Day, The Turtles and The Little Frogs thought of a great way to add excitement to our week, as well as keep warm for the cold winter days that are soon to come!  Flip Flop Day provides an opportunity for The Turtles and The Little Frogs to play together and spend time in each other's classrooms.

Some of choices in The Little Frogs room consisted of:

experimenting with flubber,

playing with blocks,

parking cars in garages,

and eating delicious food at a restaurant.

Some of the choices in The Turtle room consisted of:

story telling,

reading books,

playing super heroes and cat-lion,

and building lego houses.

After having a successful first Flip Flop Day, The Turtles celebrated Madigan's 4th birthday.  She even brought it cupcakes to share with everyone!

To put use of all the energy the cupcakes gave us, The Turtles got ready for a walk to The Upper School to visit April, The Theater Tech teacher, who is in the process of building a set for an upcoming play. 

April showed us a model of all the different types of buildings she will be constructing for the play, including houses!  We talked about the different shapes a house has, such as triangles, rectangles, and squares.  April also gave us great ideas on how to make our own little model houses and even told us where we can buy special wood for it called, balsa wood.

Then we headed outside to see the real pieces of wood that April will be using to build her set for the play.  The Turtles were super excited when they saw the same exact shapes from the model!

April then brought us iside to show us all the tools she will be using to build her houses. She showed us a measuring tape, electric screw driver, and a jigsaw!

She even showed us the system, called a Fly System, that opens and closes the curtains on the stage.  She told us it was kind of like a pulley.

Before we left, April gave us special toolboxes to take with us!  Good thing we had some strong Turtles to help us carry them back to the classroom.

Finally, Fran read our new book from the lbrary called, Building A House.  The Turtles noticed many similarities that the book had with the models and building material that April showed us.  With our visit to April, our walks to different neighborhoods, and reading books about houses we are becoming house experts!

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