Welcome Turtle Families!

Welcome to our daily blog! We use it to share daily updates on our classroom, reflections on our learning with children, and photographs.We are so excited that so many people are sharing in the Turtle Day! Extended family, friends, neighbors, educators, etc, are also encouraged to follow the blog!
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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That

Today in Morning Meeting, the Turtle's had a great discussion about what they did over break!  Everyone was so eager to share what they did and who they saw.  The children's responses were recorded and this is what we got:

What did you do on winter break?

Wills: My police car-you can drive all around in my police car.
Caimin: I went to Briar Bush.
Madigan: I did something special with my mommy.  I was watching the Nutcracker.
Patrick: I was waiting for my toys.
Ella: I got a scooter.
Zara: I went to an airplane.  Swimming house.
Mimi: My mommy and daddy just play with me.  Put the swing up.
Sophia:  I danced with my best friend, my Mimi.
Gabby: My celebration, my mommy was sleeping.  Me and my pop-pop went to my cousin's house and we did a zip line.
David: My celebration was Christmas.  I fly to Florida to see grandma.  I saw helicopters with Matthew.
Sadie:  I got a Christmas Tree.  
Jacob:  I did a big shape.  It had six sides, like a hexagon.  I draw it.
Madison:  I like having fun at my house and we go out for a walk and a party.

It was clear that everyone was super excited to be back for a full day as each Turtle went from center to center during Free Choice and Choice Time.

The Writing Center was open for the Turtles' love for stories and writing letters.

Then we did some ice skating and soon realized it was easier to slide around with our spots!

We continued making collages.

Mommies read books to their babies.

Another popular choice was the easel.  The Turtles had the opportunity to build up their fine motor skills by using their shoulders and arms vertically on the easel.  Not only did the children experiment by using the point of the crayon, but they also learned to use the side of the crayon to shade in some color.

Zoos were carefully constructed and as others joined in, it was transformed into a "huge castle."

Then there was a huge traffic jam which caused a huge problem but, 

was soon rectified by sharing the road!  There isn't a problem our Turtles can't solve!

Then we finally bundled up and went outside to let out some of our Turtle energy.

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