Welcome Turtle Families!

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Turtles As Composers

The Turtles started the morning a little differently today by going outside first!  It was a great morning seeing all our Turtle friends playing so nicely with one another.  

We gave bike rides to our friends,

pushed friends on swings, 

played games on a slide together,

and worked as a team to look for bugs in the garden!

Then we headed back inside for Morning Meeting and Choice Time. At Morning Meeting, the Turtles helped Fran think of a few more verses to our "House" song.  We made up a huge list of different animals and their homes, trying to think of animals that rhyme with each other.  

                    barn             cow
                    Africa          elephant
                    zoo              zebra
                    Africa          giraffe
                    river             alligator
                    doghouse     dog
                    pond            frog
                    jungle          gorilla
                    cathouse      cat
                    cave             bat
                    barn house   horse
                    tree              bird

The Turtles had such great ideas, but Fran and Tamara thought they needed a little more help with putting our ideas into a song so Carol from the Little Frog's room came over to help us!

After Carol's amazing help, we came up with a few more verses to add to our "House" song!

Here is a nest for a robin
Here is a hive for a bee
Here is a hole for a bunny
And here is a house for me

Here is a hole for a chipmunk
Here is cave for a bear
Here is a tree for a squirrel
And here is a stable for a mare

Here is a swamp for an alligator
Here is a pond for a frog
Here is a desert for an aardvark
And here is a house for a dog

Here is a zoo for a zebra
Here is a bed for a cat
Here is a grassland for an elephant
And here is a cave for a bat

For the rest of the morning, the Turtles

experimented with making different colors,

read books,

worked at the work bench,

polished our houses,

and practiced measuring with our tape measures!


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