Welcome Turtle Families!

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Thursday, January 5, 2012

A Mixed Up Thursday!

Our morning began a little differently today by going straight to Music with Jenny!

Jenny taught us a song called "What Can One Little Person Do", about helping the world.  She even taught us sign language for the words: world, friend, and help to go with the song!  It was great so see how quickly The Turtles were following along with Jenny.

Then we made our own snowmen!  Everyone helped think of what to put on our snowmen.  Some of these things included buttons, carrot noses, eyes, stick arms, and hats.  From their answers, it was clear that our Turtles are snowmen experts!

Some other things we did with Jenny included a "snowball" fight, singing a song about Harriet Tubman, and drumming on a djembe drum.  With the drum, we drummed the sounds, or syllables, we heard in our names.

After we said goodbye to Jenny, we went to the playground!

Some of our friends were blasting off in a Batman ship,

and others were pushing friends on the swings.

Someone even found a long branch and decided to add to the Little Frog's stick house.!

Our fun didn't stop there!

There were lots of gross motor activity with climbing

and, of course, jumping!

After playing outside, The Turtles went on walk to the Lower School Library and the Faulkner Reading Room.  To continue our exploration of houses, we went to the Lower School Library to check out a book about building a house called Building a House by Byron Barton.  We are so excited to read the book tomorrow at Morning Meeting!

Then we headed to the Faulkner Reading Room to look at the Outdoor Classroom Models that the Lower School children designed.  Each model included the things the children want to see in their ideal Outdoor Classroom.  We were so amazed at the creative ideas the children put into the models.

There were gardens,

tree houses,

music stages,

and even zip lines!

Our day finally ended with Morning Meeting where we talked about the great things we saw in the models.  We recorded our thoughts and this is what we got:

David:  I saw the models of different things with little people.
Patrick:  I liked the pictures of the artwork.
Madigan:  I saw a boy painting a picture and a tree house.  Someone sliding down the tree house.
Wills:  I saw a rabbit swinging from a zip line.
Jacob:  I saw a tree house and it was tiny, tiny.
Madison:  I saw one that had a tree house, a big tree house.  Then I saw somebody playing hopscotch.
Matthew:  I saw something that looked like a cat.  A painting.
Gabby:  I saw a big zip line and bunny rabbit and a tire swing.  People were on it.  

Tonight, there is an opportunity for families to see this work, as well as the architect's drawing for the outdoor play and learning areas that are in the works! The presentation will be at 7pm tonight in the Faulkner Reading Room. Check out the website under "AFS Outside," for more information!

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