Welcome Turtle Families!

Welcome to our daily blog! We use it to share daily updates on our classroom, reflections on our learning with children, and photographs.We are so excited that so many people are sharing in the Turtle Day! Extended family, friends, neighbors, educators, etc, are also encouraged to follow the blog!
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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Friends, New and Old

Today was filled with exploration and joy as many Turtles began their Turtle Lives. We began the day with Free Choice, encouraging the Turtles to explore the many areas of the room. And explore they did!
There was fishing from the climber,

building roads,

doing hair,

serving dinners, 

reading books,

building with magnatiles,

doing puzzles, and that was all before snack!

Tamara taught the Turtles the Mighty Mighty Turtles Song, and it wasn't long before each child was belting out their Turtle Anthem. As we marched up and down the hall, meeting friends in other classes, there was no doubt that each child was proud of their Turtle-hood! We had a beautiful Morning Meeting, complete with a peaceful Moment of Silence and a Silly Name Song ("Jello in the Bowl") that Fran taught us.
After a healthy snack of bananas, and plain or cream cheese crackers, we headed outside for playground adventures. The children dug in the sand box, swung on the swings, rode bikes (if they had their helmet), and played soccer. In the garden, we made an exciting discovery! There was an avocado tree growing! We pulled it out and tomorrow we will examine it further. It was so cool to see the huge avocado seed split open and growing roots and a mini-tree trunk. We read the book, "The Little School," and sang our Good Bye Song. It was a fantastic day, and we look forward to meeting more Turtles in the coming days!

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