Welcome Turtle Families!

Welcome to our daily blog! We use it to share daily updates on our classroom, reflections on our learning with children, and photographs.We are so excited that so many people are sharing in the Turtle Day! Extended family, friends, neighbors, educators, etc, are also encouraged to follow the blog!
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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Let's Play A Story

The Turtles are excellent players, and have lots of ideas about different scripts to play. We have been reading lots of adventurous stories too, and one of their favorites is Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munch. Today we brought out the puppet theater, and added a paper bag costume to our puppets, to see if they would play the story. They were very into the idea, and thought it was important to construct a castle for the princess. This turned into a very long involved project that was mostly about building. 
Later, at Morning Meeting, we made a list of "The Stories We Play." Here is the list:

I like to pretend to be the brother.
I can be a helicopter.
I like to be a sister.
I like to be the kitty cat.
I like to be Mario.
To be pirates or Captain Hook.

Next, we made a list of supplies we needed for the dress-up (dramatic play) area. Here is that list:

We need baseball shirts. 
And a pretend baseball and a pretend bat.
We need more paper bags for the puppets.
A blue costume for Prince Ronald (from The Paper Bag Princess)
Costumes for people for Halloween, like purple sparkle and a blue dress

We are building up our ideas about stories and story telling and how this works in play. The imagination, negotiation, and invention of dramatic play are such critical skills for the cognitive and social development of young children, and as the children think collaborative and critically about how their stories unfold in their play, they are building their awareness of the process of play.

We had many more adventures, including a trip to the Nurses Office, where we got to see the nurse give Tamara her flu shot.

We also stopped by the auditorium where the big kids play stories on the stage.

Then it was on to Music Class with Jenny. She taught us a new greeting song, using her Native American drum:

Other happenings:

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