Welcome Turtle Families!

Welcome to our daily blog! We use it to share daily updates on our classroom, reflections on our learning with children, and photographs.We are so excited that so many people are sharing in the Turtle Day! Extended family, friends, neighbors, educators, etc, are also encouraged to follow the blog!
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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A Mystery and An Adventure

One our morning Bear Walk in the hall, we discovered a new mystery! There were green arrows taped to the floor.
When we followed the arrows, they lead up to the Little Frog room, where there was a beautiful box!
We read the board, and it said that the Frogs were making a Stick Book about all the things you can do with sticks, and they wanted our suggestions.

Carol even showed us the book.

So we went back to the Turtle Room, taking some suggestion papers, and got to work! The Turtles had lots of ideas for the Frogs, from "making S's and T's and O's" to "playing guitar" to "making a vacuum cleaner for blowing the wood chips." We will see if our ideas make it into their book!

Then we set out on our adventure to the Art Center. As we were walking, Tamara started telling stories. It all started with the very sparkly mica-flecked rock that we discovered. Clearly, it was a magic rock.

And then, right next to it, appeared the biggest worm we'd ever seen. We decided it was a magic snake, and took turns petting it.

Up the hill, and over the path, the adventurers went.
Soon, we had worked up quite an appetite and stopped for some sustenance.

When we went to throw away our trash, however...

we found a magic talisman, a giant green praying mantis! Matthew informed us that it was a "good bug, because it eats other bugs."

Then we were off for the frolicking, running, and playing on the hill and stage...

At the bottom of the hill, we came to the fairy tale house. Today, Tamara was the big bad wolf, chasing the little pigs from their wood house...

to their hill house...
and back again!

Back at the school, we had book time outside, and Tamara read the story, "Vagabond" about a little girl who goes adventuring, and returns home to her mommy at the end of her adventures...

What a wonderful day!

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