Welcome Turtle Families!

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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Houses, Houses, and More Houses

Today was a day that was fully dedicated to houses!  The Turtles read the book we created called Investigating Houses, learned a new finger play about houses with Fran, and even built our very own model houses.  The Turtles are surely becoming house experts!

"My House"
Here is a house for a robin. (cup hands)
Here is a hive for a bee. (make fist with one hand, wrap other hand around it)
Here is a hole for a bunny. (make a circle with thumb an index finger)
And here is a house for me. (put arms above head with fingers touching at an angle)

The Turtles absolutely loved our new finger play song and I am sure they would be happy to teach their families!

Before building our models, Tamara showed us all the different ways we can make our houses.  She also showed us the various shapes we could use for certain parts of our house. 

Some other activities the children chose today included:

mixing colors,

making a bear out of our newly made play-dough,

breaking eggs,

fishing for letters, 

taping up houses to keep the "bad guys" out,

playing parents,

building spaceships,

and making presents to give our friends.

Despite our busy morning in our classroom, The Turtles were still had time for more fun and adventure.  Luckily, today is Thursday and we went to go see what Jenny had planned for us!

Jenny showed us another type of drum,

sang songs in a silly high voice,

brought out many different instruments for everyone to play with,

and finally, went apple picking, which is apparently one of our favorite things to do with Jenny!

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