Welcome Turtle Families!

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Friday, January 6, 2012

Out into Jenkintown We Go!

We took another walk into Jenkintown today to look at houses. Before setting out, we talked about our walk at Morning Meeting, asking, "What do you thinking we will see in the neighborhood?"
Ella: The houses will be different than the other houses.
Wills: I think the big kids are going to make the playground different.
Madison: I think we are going to see the house just like yours in the classroom.
Gabby: We can see a lot of houses maybe a burned house.
Madigan: Some house can be different like different chimneys.
Paddy: My idea is we are going to see different houses like brown and blue.
Jacob: My idea was a little teeny house.
David: Maybe we will see a dog house on our trip.
Sophia: Brown and blue.
Mimi: Something special like a swing and a slide.
Zara: I am doing a secret big surprise.
Matthew: We might go to David's house.

We walked across the campus, stopping to observe the creek and to brandish sticks.

We crossed Washington Lane, and spotted a church and steeple, which meant we had to do our finger play:
Here is the church.
Here is the steeple.
Open the doors,
And there's all the people!

We saw a few houses, and Ella found a perfect tree for sitting on to do our sketching. The children all found spots, and began sketching.

On this second walk of observational drawing, the children's ideas, observation skills and drawings skills are developing!

During Choice Time, we worked on another iteration of color mixing, this time with paint. The thick tempera paint has very different properties from water or liquid water colors. The children used squeeze bottles to slowly add colors together, swirling them with paint brushes, then putting them to the paper to test our different shades. They quickly learned that when thy mixed all the colors togetehr, they got different beautiful shades of brown!

We also:

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