Welcome Turtle Families!

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Castles and Music

Our morning began with lots of building!  One of our friends built an entire city and another built a huge castle with triangle walls.

Then some of the Turtles went racing in their motorcycles, while talking on their phones!

After having group snack, the Turtles set out to go visit April at the theater.  However, when we got there April was nowhere to be seen, but the Turtles were amazed at all the work April had done to the set!

The Turtles loved the slide that was added

and even found a little door that they could go in and out of.

Since we couldn't meet with April, the Turtles went to go visit the new tennis courts.  Luckily, we found extra balls to play with and even played played a number running game that had the Turtles running all over the courts!

Wills even found several holes around the court and used a stick to "unclog the pipes!

It was great to see all the Turtles working hard to get the job done!

We found a ball rack and counted all the numbers we saw.

Then we finally raced back to meet Jenny at our classroom, since the John Barnes room was being used for a special meeting.

We started out by drumming on Jenny's drum.

Then we sang "Charley's Gone Fishing" which allowed each Turtle to go fishing with their fishing pole.

Jenny passed out our favorite wooden sticks that turn into anything we want, such as unicorn horns, mustaches, knives for cutting carrots, and much more.

We sang and marched to the song "The Ants Going Marching"

and ended our session by reading Hey, Little Ant.

And because the Turtles love reading a story before lunch, Fran read The Princess and the Pea.

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