Welcome Turtle Families!

Welcome to our daily blog! We use it to share daily updates on our classroom, reflections on our learning with children, and photographs.We are so excited that so many people are sharing in the Turtle Day! Extended family, friends, neighbors, educators, etc, are also encouraged to follow the blog!
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Thursday, February 23, 2012

New Rules for the Turtle Room!

In the midst of our meanness investigation, the Turtles decided to come up with a list of rules for the classroom.  Naturally, many of these rules revolved around ways to control some of the meanness. What makes this list so special is that Tamara and Fran gave all power to the Turtles to create the rules all on their own! Allowing the Turtles to come up with their own rules gives them more responsibility over their own actions.  Everyone had such great ideas on what rules to set up in the classroom! Next, we will talk about what will happen if these rules are not followed through and what they think should happen.  The rules that we came up with so far includes:

1. You can't say you're not going to be my best friend.
2. Say nice words.
3. No kicking.
4. No hitting, no biting, or saying mean words.
5. If you say bathroom words, you need to count to 10.
6. No grabbing people in the face and in the shoulder.

raising hands to vote on whether they thought it should be a rule

Some other things that we did throughout the morning included: 

Digging through the sand in search of numbers,

playing a Wizard of Oz board game that had us counting spaces and dots on the dice,

 and working hard with the water colors and constructing structures with peanuts!

Then we went to go see Jenny!  As soon as we walked in, the Turtles were amazed at all the different kinds of drums Jenny brought with her.

The best part was trying out all of the drums and following Jenny's tricky beats!

We also sang one of our favorite silly songs, "Charley's Over the Ocean"

Then we sang more songs that had us moving our bodies and

taking a snooze on the floor!

The Turtles finally ventured outside to have some fun in the sun! While we were outside, 

we helped our friends off the climber,

played name games where we hopped in and out of hula-hoops while spelling our names,

slid down the slides like rocket ships,

and even ate outside for a picnic lunch!

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